

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2012 Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA Kris Noel Dahl - session chair Cell Mechanics

Holt, Brian D.; McCorry, Mary C.; Boyer, Patrick D.; Dahl, Kris N.; Islam, Mohammad F. "Characterizing Protein Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Dispersions and Rates of Cellular Uptake and Recovery"

Holt, Brian D.; Boyer, Patrick D.; Dahl, Kris N.; Islam, Mohammad F. "Engineering Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes for Sub-Cellular Delivery"

Boyer, Patrick D.; Holt, Brian D.; Islam, Mohammad F.; Dahl, Kris N. "Increasing Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Delivery to Macrophages by Independent Modifications of the Material and Cellular Activity"

Spagnol, Stephen T.; Weltz, James S.; Dahl, Kris N. "Microrheology of VEGF-Stimulated Nuclear Reorganization in Endothelial Cells"

Spagnol, Stephen T.; Weltz, James S.; Dahl, Kris N. "Nuclear Mechanics of VEGF-Stimulated Endothelial Cells"

Biomedical Engineering Society, 2011 Annual Meeting, Hartford, CT Holt, Brian D.; Yaron, Peter N.; Short, Philip, A.; Lösche, Mathias; Islam, Mohammad F.; Dahl, Kris N. "Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Enter Cells: Uptake, Sub-cellular Localization and Targeting"

Biophysical Society, Annual Meeting 2011 Baltimore, MD Kalinowski A, Qin Z, Buehler M, Dahl KN "Insights into the structure and mechanics of a mostly disordered protein: Lamin A and progerin tail domains"

American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2011 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN Yaron, Peter N.; Holt, Brian D.; Short, Philip, A.; Lösche, Mathias; Islam, Mohammad F.; Dahl, Kris N. "Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Enter Cells by Endocytosis and Not Membrane Penetration"

Agnieszka M. Kalinowski, Zhao Qin, Markus J. Buehler, Kris N. Dahl “Insights into the structure and mechanics of a mostly disordered protein: lamin A and progerin tail domains.” Biophysical Society, 55th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 7, 2011. Platform presentation by Agnieszka Kalinowski.

Yaron, Peter N.; Holt, Brian; Short, Phillip A.; Lösche, Mathias; Islam, Mohammad F.; Dahl, Kris N. “Phase association and binding energetics of SWCNTs into phopholipid Langmuir monolayers” Biophysical Society, 55th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA, Mar. 7, 2011. Poster presentation by Peter Yaron.

Biomedical Engineering Society, 2010 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX Holt, Brian; Short, Philip; Dahl, Kris; and Islam, Mohammad "Purified Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Reorganize the Actin Cytoskeleton"

World Congress of Biomechanics, 2010, Singapore Holt, Brian; Short, Philip; Dahl, Kris; and Islam, Mohammad "Purified Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Alter Actin Structures and Cell Function"

Holt, B.; Short, P.; Rape, A.; Islam, M.; Wang, Y.; and Dahl K.N. “Alteration of Actin Structures with Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes” The American Society for Cell Biology, 50th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Dec. 13, 2010. Poster presentation by Kris Dahl.

Holt, Brian; Short, Philip; Dahl, Kris; and Islam, Mohammad. “Purified Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Reorganize the Actin Cytoskeleton” Biomedical Engineering Society, 2010 Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, USA, Oct. 8, 2010. Podium presentation by Brian Holt.

Holt, Brian; Short, Philip; Dahl, Kris; and Islam, Mohammad. “Purified Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Alter Actin Structures and Cell Function” World Congress on Biomechanics, Singapore, Aug. 4, 2010. Podium presentation by Kris Dahl.

ASME Summer Bioengineering conference, June 16-19 2010

Progeria Research Foundation
10th Anniversary Workshop on Progeria
From Bench to Bedside in a Decade
April 11-13, 2010

Kris Noel Dahl presented “Multi-scale Changes in Nuclear Structure and Mechanics in Hutchison-Gilford Progeria Syndrome” at the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, April 07, 2010.


Congratulations to Brian Holt for winning a Bertucci Graduate Fellowship

Prof. Kris Dahl received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation entitled "Genome Regulation and Nuclear Rheology". The project is to investigate how mechanical forces and mechanical properties of the nucleus affect genomic functions.

Congratulations to Agnieszka Kilonowski for winning an NIH-NRSA predoctoral fellowship.

Congratulations to Alexandre Ribeiro for winning an FCT ( Fundação para a Ciência eaTecnologia) fellowship from the Portugese government for "Mechanics of the Cell Nucleus in Cancer Transformation and Stem Cell Differentiation."

Kris Noel Dahl was awarded a grant from the Progeria Research Foundation for "Quantification of progerin recruitment to membranes."

Chaired sessions:

Kris Noel Dahl co-chaired session 7.6 "Cellular Force Transduction" at Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC): Minneapolis, MN, September, 2009.

Kris Noel Dahl co-chaired "Biomechanics Inside: Cell Motility, Pathways and Mechanical Cues" at Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES): Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2009.